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spring 2021

inteGIRLS math competition

Our second virtual math competition consisted of team math competition rounds and fun STEM related activities! We added an individual round. No experience required!


Dates: April 10th, 17th, 24th, or 25th depending on location!

A Natural Girl

let's conquer math together! 


This event was designed for GIRLS and NON-BINARY individuals only (read more)


There were no location restrictions. (students from any country could register). 




For the High School division: the oldest members of teams were in 12th grade or lower


For the Middle School division: the oldest members of teams were in 8th grade or lower

(middle schoolers could choose to join the high school division)

team guidlines

This was a team event with a MAX of 4 members. For more members, students could reach out on our forum or indicate so on their chapter sign up form and meet other interested individuals from their area!

sign up

CHAPTERS that hosted Spring 2021 competitions!

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